Sunday, February 25, 2007

Copenhagen, Denmark

You are not dreaming I know personnaly a siren and on top of that this is the most famous one (well in fact she didn 't recognize me).
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Roma, Italy

The Roman empire was powerful enought to let us in roma the pleasure to discover an impressive amount of monuments all around the Mediterranean sea but this is Roma the Center of the World: The roman one ;)
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French riviera

Blue sky mixed with the sea, the nature... This is the french riviera, where the montains and the sea are meeting the sky and the sun.
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Stockholm... Sweden

Near the Royal Palace, this place in a corner represent this European city of Art and monuments...
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Moscow, metro station... Russia

This is not a place, this not an impressive museum, this is just a metro station of Moscow! Metro stations are decorated as if they were palaces and each one is different, so enjoy a walk in the Moscow metro...
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Moscow... Russia

Yes I know I already publish pictures and video from Russia, but I was looking at my pictures and I could not resist to put this one because it represent on of the symbol of this contry.
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